/BCO-DMO/Costa_Rica_Seeps/Carbonate_log --Date eq 2017-05-21-- Level 1

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#   Carbonate sample inventory
#   RV/Atlantis AT37-13 Alvin dives
#   PI: V. Orphan (CalTech)
#   version: 2017-09-25
Dive    Date        
AD4906  2017-05-21  
Rock_num                                 SN_num            Region                                                      Type                                 Available_Live  Incubated  Depth_m  Lat      Long       PFA  Ethanol  Frozen  Live  Other  Notes  
Rock 17                                  9703              Mound 12, Mussel Beach                                      nd                                   yes             29/May/17  nd       nd       nd         1    nd       1       1     nd     Covered with Mussels, colonization rock, carbonate nodules, pink/white cement veins  
Redwood/ Wood 13                         9700              Mound 12                                                    nd                                   no              nd         nd       nd       nd         1    nd       1       nd    nd     From reduced side  
Wood 12                                  9701              Mound 12                                                    inactive                             no              nd         nd       nd       nd         1    nd       1       nd    nd     Pieces shaved off from shipworm burrows  
Wood                                     9702              Mound 12                                                    nd                                   yes             29/May/17  nd       nd       nd         1    nd       1       1     nd     Pieces shaved off from shipworm burrows  
Rock 18                                  9710              Mound 12, Mussel Beach                                      nd                                   yes             nd         nd       nd       nd         1    nd       1       1     nd     Covered with Mussels, colonization rock, carbonate nodules, pink/white cement veins  
Rock 16                                  9706              Mound 12                                                    nd                                   no              nd         nd       nd       nd         1    nd       1       nd    nd     7 year colonization experiment  
C3-D3 mixed carbonates and slide in bag  9704              Mound 12                                                    nd                                   no              nd         nd       nd       nd         1    nd       1       nd    nd     7 year colonization experiment  
Rock 15                                  9705              Mound 12                                                    nd                                   no              nd         nd       nd       nd         1    nd       1       nd    nd     7 year colonization experiment  
PC1 nodules                              9007, 9008        Mound 12, 2-3m from other carbonates, sparse corals nearby  nd                                   no              nd         nd       nd       nd         nd   nd       5       nd    nd     PC1 nodules  
Rock 12                                  9709              Mound 12, Yettisburg                                        inactive                             yes             29/May/17  nd       nd       nd         nd   nd       1       1     nd     Not clear if from earlier colonization experiment